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New Study: Development of a mobile application (App) for mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)

There is a clear need to improve the care of patients following traumatic brain injury (TBI).  In the UK, 80 - 90% of head injury presentations to Emergency Departments are classified as mild.  It is commonly believed that almost all patients with mTBI will completely recover within the first few weeks after injury.  However 'mild' is a misnomer as a significant proportion of these patients may be left with disability from cognitive, psychological and physical problems commonly known as post-concussion symptoms (PCS).


Recent studies have shown that problems persist in approximately half of mTBI patients six or more months after injury.  A normal brain CT scan does not mean that complete recovery will occur; 30% of patients with normal CT scans have not returned to normal activities six months after injury.  Patients may experience relationship difficulties, increased healthcare utilisation, depression and employment difficulties.


Two main issues have an influence on these poorer outcomes for some mTBI patients.  The first issue is the difficulty in identifying patients that may require early interventions and the second issue is the difficulty the patients have in accessing on-going care as most of the mTBI patients do not have a formal clinical follow up.


Our new study aims to develop a mobile phone application (App) that will help mTBI patients with both of the issues mentioned above.  The I Am Brain Aware App will be developed with the help of patients, patients' relatives and healthcare professionals who are involved in the care of mTBI patients.  The finished App will help patients with

  1. Self-management of Post-Concussive Symptoms (PCS)

  2. Identify patients who require formal follow up

  3. Facilitate communication with health care professionals and/or charitable organisations.


If you have sustained a mild TBI,  if you are a relative or carer of a person who has sustained a mild TBI or if you are a healthcare professional who is involved in the treatment of patients with mild TBI and are interested in helping us develop this App, please click on the Interview or Focus Group tabs above to find more information about what is involved.

*Information provided on completion of the Contact Form will be used to form patient and public groups and we may contact you to notify you over ways you can assist in ongoing and prospective research projects. We will not process this information for any other purpose or pass details onto third parties without further explicit consent. If you don’t want us to process your data anymore, please contact us at

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